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Le 'Smilie' sono piccole immagini che ti consentono di esprimere un emozione o sentimento. Se hai partecipato a delle chat potresti già conoscere il concetto di smilie. Certe stringhe standard sono automaticamente convertite in smilie. Prova a girare la testa in orizzontale se non 'capisci' uno smile: utilizzando un po' di immaginazione visualizzerai una faccina descrittiva.

Se vuoi disabilitare gli smilie nei messaggi che scrivi, puoi selezionare l'opzione 'Disabilita smilie' . E' particolarmente utile se stai scrivendo codice di programmi e non vuoi che : ) venga convertito in una faccia sorridente!

Generic Smilies
Che cosa scrivere Grafica risultante Significato
:) Smile Smile
:confused: confused5 confused5
:eek: love love
:arrow: Arrow Arrow
:mad: Mad Mad
:lol: Laughing Laughing
:rolleyes: Rolling eyes Rolling eyes
:!: Exclamation Exclamation
:cool: Cool Cool
:-p Razz Razz
;) Wink Wink
:D Very Happy Very Happy
:-o Embarrassment Embarrassment
:( Sad Sad
Imported Smilies
Che cosa scrivere Grafica risultante Significato
:tongue1: tongue1 tongue1
:ctf2: UT UT
:boxing: boxing boxing
:toothy1: toothy1 toothy1
:compress: compress compress
:evil4: evil4 evil4
:tweety: tweety tweety
:santa: santa santa
:happy7: happy7 happy7
:kermit: kermit kermit
:brave: brave brave
:occasion: occasion9 occasion9
:oops: Embarassed Embarassed
:la: la la
:sad5: sad5 sad5
:| Neutral Neutral
:spam1: spam1 spam1
:sign10: sign10 sign10
:snakeman: Snakeman Snakeman
:angry4: angry4 angry4
:thumbup: thumbup thumbup
:chain: UT UT
:booty: booty booty
:tongue10: tongue10 tongue10
:clown: clown clown
:evil2: evil2 evil2
:tshirt: tshirt tshirt
:salute: salute salute
:happy6: happy6 happy6
:iroc: iroc iroc
:bootysha: bootyshake bootyshake
:notworth: notworthy notworthy
:razz: Razz Razz
:withstup: withstupid withstupid
:sad4: sad4 sad4
:puke: puke puke
:sign9: sign9 sign9
:rock: Rock ya Rock ya
:angel13: angel13 angel13
:thebirdm: thebirdman thebirdman
:yawinkle: Ya winkles Ya winkles
:book: book book
:tongue8: tongue8 tongue8
:bounce: bounce bounce
:downtown: downtown downtown
:toothy10: toothy10 toothy10
:rr: rr rr
:happy3: happy3 happy3
:argue: argue argue
:idea1: idea1 idea1
:lurk: lurk lurk
:hmph: hmph hmph
:sad3: sad3 sad3
:?: wave wave
:pain10: pain10 pain10
:sign7: sign7 sign7
:tonqe: Little thongue man Little thongue man
:angel12: angel12 angel12
:snorting: snorting snorting
:weedman: Weedman Weedman
:blob6: blob6 blob6
:tongue7: tongue7 tongue7
:blackeye: blackeye blackeye
:dontknow: dontknow dontknow
:toothy8: toothy8 toothy8
:pukerigh: puke_r puke_r
:happy1: happy1 happy1
:wave: wave wave
:angryfir: angryfire angryfire
:homework: homework homework
:love10: love10 love10
:???: Confused Confused
:fucyc: fucyc fucyc
:sad2: sad2 sad2
:offtheai: offtheair offtheair
:sign6: sign6 sign6
:albino: albino albino
:angel10: angel10 angel10
:smilebox: smilebox smilebox
:toimonst: Toilet monster Toilet monster
:blob: blob1 blob1
:tongue6: tongue6 tongue6
:enforcer: UT UT
:director: director director
:toothy7: toothy7 toothy7
:pirate: pirate pirate
:glasses1: glasses11 glasses11
:wav: wav wav
:tongue: tongue tongue
:hippy2: hippy2 hippy2
:love9: love9 love9
:-? Confused Confused
:fart: fart fart
:sad1: sad1 sad1
:wink: Wink Wink
:nike: nike nike
:sign5: sign5 sign5
:drinkers: 2 man down 2 man down
:angel7: angel7 angel7
:sleepy4: sleepy4 sleepy4
:gib: UT UT
:binky: binky binky
:tongue5: tongue5 tongue5
:alien: alien alien
:crybaby: crybaby crybaby
:toothy6: toothy6 toothy6
:pale: pale pale
:glasses8: glasses8 glasses8
:walk: walk walk
:thumbrig: thumbright thumbright
:hiding: hiding hiding
:love8: love8 love8
:? Confused Confused
:evil3: evil3 evil3
:read: read read
:roll: Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
:munky2: munky2 munky2
:sign3: sign3 sign3
:butthead: Nasty Nasty
:angel4: angel4 angel4
:sleepy3: sleepy3 sleepy3
:prayer: prayer prayer
:banghead: bandhead bandhead
:tongue4: tongue4 tongue4
:plasma: UT UT
:coffee: coffee coffee
:toothy5: toothy5 toothy5
:king: king king
:glasses7: glasses7 glasses7
:violent3: violent3 violent3
:silent: silent silent
:help: help help
:love5: love5 love5
:shock: Shocked Shocked
:read2: read2 read2
:twisted: Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
:mumum: mumum mumum
:sex: sex sex
:axe: Guy with axe Guy with axe
:3some: 3some 3some
:sleepy2: sleepy2 sleepy2
:partyman: Partyman Partyman
angry9: angry9 angry9
:tongue3: tongue3 tongue3
:drunken: drunken drunken
:clock: clock clock
:toothy3: toothy3 toothy3
:joker: joker joker
:glasses2: glasses2 glasses2
:violent2: violent2 violent2
:shaking: shaking shaking
:hello2: hello2 hello2
:love3: love3 love3
:smile: Smile Smile
:cwm21: cwm21 cwm21
:protest: protest protest
:evil: Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad
:error: error error
:sad11: sad11 sad11
:neutral: Neutral Neutral
:tool: tool tool
:sleepy1: sleepy1 sleepy1
:tfrag: UT UT
:angry7: angry7 angry7
:tongue2: tongue2 tongue2
:snipe: UT UT
:toothy2: toothy2 toothy2
:cyclopsa: cyclops_ani cyclops_ani
:evil5: evil5 evil5
:violent1: violent1 violent1
:scratch: scratch scratch
:hello1: hello1 hello1
:laughing: laughing8 laughing8
:cussing: cussing cussing
:pottytra: pottytrain5 pottytrain5
:cry: Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
:blah5: blah5 blah5
:sad6: sad6 sad6
:-| Neutral Neutral
:tard: tard tard
:sign11: sign11 sign11
:goodman: Yar good Yar good
:angry5: angry5 angry5

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