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Vecchio 03-10-2015, 09:47   #4
Pivello Mukkista
Registrato dal: 29 May 2015
ubicazione: Cerda (PA)

ricordavo anch'io di aver letto questo articolo, infatti l'ho trovato in una discussione in questo sito....ecco qui l'elenco:

Numbers Produced by year - Information courtesy of The Chromeheads

1997: 8.161 (R 1200 C Classic)
1998: 7.618 (R 1200 C Classic)
1999: 6.407 (R 1200 C Classic)
2000: 4.558 (R 1200 C Classic, R 1200 C Independent)
2001: 4.882 (R 1200 C Classic, R 1200 C Independent)
2002: 4.163 (R 1200 C Classic, R 1200 C Independent, R 1200 CL)
2003: 6.556 (R 1200 C Classic, R 1200 C Independent, R 1200 CL)
2004: 3.394 (R 1200 C Classic, R 1200 C Independent, R 1200 C Montauk, R1200 CL)
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