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Vecchio 19-06-2019, 19:53   #86
Mukkista in erba
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Registrato dal: 27 Feb 2009
ubicazione: PESCARA

Forse ho risolto il problema seguendo queste indicazioni:

"TomTom GPS week number Rollover [WNRO]
The solution for the TomTom Truck using the official or modified 9,702 Navcore is very simple: just replace a single file (the "glgps" in the "bin" folder) with the attached version.
Replace \ Bin \ glgps of NC 9.702 with that of NC 9.541
Everything works normally on the GO x20, x30, x40 and x50.
Successfully tested on the following models:
GO 920, GO 630, GO 730, GO 930, GO 540, GO 940, GO 750, GO 950 and GO 9000.
Also successfully tested on the Tomtom Urban Rider and Rider Pro. This solution does not work for the Rider 5-serial K4 with Qualcom GPS chip.
I don't have a TomTom One to test, but I hear that the One V3 and XL V1 are doomed Some One v2s use the sirf 111 chipsets and still work well for me, but others use the dreaded GL, it's lucky you have.
N.B. The same change also works for navcores 9,510 and 9,401 (I tried)."

In pratica ho sostituito il file "glgps" residente nella cartella bin nella root del Tom Tom con lo stesso file preso però dal NavCore 9.541.
Ho trovato questa soluzione nel sito "" e li ringrazio.
Domani farò una prova su strada.
BMW R1150 GS: nessun posto è lontano.
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